Blaxicana. To the mixed girl… born African American and Mexican American, I get it. If the paper often doesn’t permit the boxes for multiple selections of truth, but rather a single box option labeled “other,” rejection from the processing strangers can only give segue into the pain inflicted from family resistant to a different culture. […]
Walking In the Spirit
His leading. Your journey. He’s always with me. Speaking… Sometimes through an inner prompting and often times in silence. If you listen, he’s always engaging. When is the last time you heard your heartbeat? You feel it when you’re nervous and endowed with excitement. Yet, what is the voice behind it telling you to do? […]
Harvesting a Good Morning Routine
A hashtag worthy life. A good morning routine is not only a nice concept for pinning and inspirational video content, it is an absolutely necessary lifestyle rooted in sown discipline for reaping the full potential of who you are within and all that you were created for. In my personal relationship with God, He revealed […]